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About R.J. 

R.J. Rongcal’s work focuses on alleviating stress, anxiety, and other afflictive emotions through mindfulness, the practice of training our hearts and minds to be more open and present. R.J. believes deeply in the fundamental strength of each person’s mind and heart.  His life's work is to empower himself and others to realize their fullest potential, that which is rooted in authenticity, connection, and love. 


Based in Seattle, WA, R.J. has been a meditator since 2011, and he has been teaching since 2018. His study and practice - both secular and spiritual - includes completion of a 9-month residency at Gampo Abbey where he lived as a Buddhist monk. R.J. is a certified Mindfulness Teacher and Qualified MBSR Teacher, as well as a certified Yoga Teacher with a Registered Yoga Alliance School. He is a student of Buddhist nun, teacher, and author, Pema Chödrön.


Click here for more details on R.J.'s background and experience. 

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